Form I-693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record
If you are applying for a green card in the United States, you have to submit Form I-693, which is a medical exam and vaccination record completed by a specific doctor known as a civil surgeon. This form shows that you are not inadmissible to the United States based on health reasons.
A Form I-693 that is signed by the civil surgeon on November 1, 2023, or later does not expire and can be used for any immigration benefit application at any time in the future.
Can anyone complete the Form I-693?
Only a doctor listed on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov/tools/find-a-civil-surgeon may perform the exam.
How much does it cost to have the Form I-693 completed?
Rates vary by physician. Do your research to compare what different offices charge. When scheduling the appointment, tell the office that it is for an immigration medical examination.
What should I bring to my medical examination appointment?
- Government-issuedphotoidentification;
- Listofmedications you are currently taking;
- Vaccinationrecords;
- ProofofCOVID-19 vaccination;
- Anyothermedical records, if available; and
- Acurrentedition of Form I-693, available at https://www.uscis.gov/i-693
What happens at the appointment?
You will sign the certification at the start of the immigration medical exam to confirm that you agree to the exam and that all the information you provide about the exam is true. During the medical examination, the civil surgeon will perform tests for communicable diseases of public health significance and screen for certain physical or mental disorders, as well as for drug addiction and abuse. The civil surgeon will also make sure that you have all required vaccinations. Additional testing may be necessary.
When all testing has been completed, the civil surgeon will sign Form I-693 and put it in a sealed envelope.
NOTE: Do not break the seal or open this envelope. USCIS will not accept Form I-693 if it is not in a sealed envelope or if the envelope is altered in any way. The civil surgeon should provide you with an additional copy of the signed Form I-693 for your records.
When will the Form I-693 medical exam be submitted to USCIS?
You may submit the completed medical exam with your green card application or later, in response to a Request for Evidence.
NOTE: Always check with your attorney before mailing anything to USCIS.
How long is Form I-693 valid?
A Form I-693 that was properly completed and signed by a civil surgeon on or after November 1, 2023 does not expire. A Form I-693 completed prior to that time is valid for two years from the date that the civil surgeon signed it.
If you have questions or need more information about Form I-693 or any other immigration matter, please contact the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. by e-mailing us at azita@azitalaw.com or calling us at 312.641-0771.