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U.S. Border Crisis: The Differences Between ‘Refugee,’ ‘Asylee’ And ‘Immigrant’

U.S. Border Crisis: The Differences Between ‘Refugee,’ ‘Asylee’ and ‘Immigrant’

As tens of thousands of children from Latin America await their fate at the U.S. border, media reports and casual conversation have described their status as two very different legal categories: refugee/asylee and immigrant. There is a significant distinction between the two categories, which could play a major factor in the current U.S. border crisis and whether these children get deported or are given permission to remain in the United States.

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Political Asylum And Its Impact On Immigration

Political Asylum and Its Impact on Immigration

Over the past few weeks, news sources and political leaders have reacted to political asylum statistics released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). There has been some misunderstanding as to the number of “defensive” asylum claims, those that are made at the ports of entry into the United States, versus those applying for asylum who are already living in the country without authorization. 

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