Delays in Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Renewals and Automatic 180 Day EAD Extension
Due to lengthy delays in EAD renewals, starting January 17, 2017, the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) has been automatically extending certain expiring EADs for up to 180 days for applicants who:
- Timely filed for a renewal EAD before their current one expired;
- Are applying to renew an EAD in the same category as the previous EAD; and
- Are in a category that is eligible for the automatic extension.
The goal of the automatic extension is to prevent gaps in employment authorizations, which could otherwise result in applicants’ loss of employment.
The following categories of EADs will be eligible for an automatic extension of up to 180 days:
(a)(3) Refugee
(a)(5) Asylee
(a)(7) N-8 or N-9
(a)(8) Citizen of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, or Palau
(a)(10) Withholding of deportation or removal granted
(a)(12) Temporary Protected Status (TPS) granted
(c)(8) Asylum applicant
(c)(9) Pending family-based or employment-based Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Resident or Adjust Status
(c)(10) Suspension of Deportation Applicants (filed before April 1, 1997) Cancellation of Removal Applicants
Special Rule Cancellation of Removal Applicants under NACARA Applicant for Section 244
(c)(16) Creation of Record (Adjustment Based on Continuous Residence Since January 1, 1972)
(c)(19) Pending initial application for TPS where USCIS has determined applicant appears to be eligible for TPS
(c)(20) Pending Form I-700 (Section 210 Legalization)
(c)(22) Pending Form I-687 (Section 245A Legalization)
(c)(24) LIFE Legalization applicant
(c)(31) VAWA self-petitioners
If you have any questions or need more information about EAD renewals or any other immigration matter, please contact the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. by e-mailing azita@azitalaw.com or calling 312-641-0771.