Chicago Immigration Lawyer – Azita M. Mojarad

DUI / Driving under the Influence


Driving while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is a serious offense which can result in the suspension of your driver’s license, revocation of your driver’s license, monetary fines and even jail time. It is imperative that you have representation if you are arrested and charged with a DUI related offense.  Having good representation will protect you from being over-charged by the prosecution, and provides you with a much greater chance of recovering your driving privileges as quickly as possible.


The potential consequences of a DUI conviction are as follows:

a)         If you have not previously been convicted of a DUI, you may be eligible for court supervision.  There is a possibility of no affect on your driving privileges by successfully completing the supervision period by paying a fine and attending drug and alcohol educational courses.

b)         In some cases even a first time offender may be convicted of a DUI.  If you are convicted of a DUI, your drivers license will be revoked, you may face fines of up to $2,500.00 and up to 364 days in jail.  It is therefore essential that you call an attorney as early as possible to avoid a conviction if at all possible.

c)         If you have been convicted of a DUI in the past, the charge may be upgraded from a misdemeanor DUI to a felony DUI, and you could end up serving significant jail time.  It is therefore even more critical for a repeat offender to immediately contact an attorney to possibly avoid a felony charge and obtain the best possible settlement.

Your Legal Rights

When the police stop you for suspicion of DUI, do not make statements which will later hurt your case. You have a right to speak with an attorney.  You also have the right to refuse to take the blood, breath or field sobriety tests.


Having an attorney represent you in your DUI case protects your interest, allows you to relax and let us do the work.  We will first evaluate the charges against you and determine whether the police had a legal right to pull you over and subsequently arrest you.  We will also determine whether the tests given to you during the stop were administered properly.  We can obtain driving privileges for you to drive to work if your license is suspended as a result of a DUI arrest.  Next, we will file all pertinent paperwork in a timely manner, prepare and go to trial or, as an alternative negotiate with the prosecution to get a reduction of the charges or supervision, as opposed to a conviction or jail time.

The Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad & Associates will protect your driving privileges, help keep your record clean and obtain the best possible settlement.  If you are facing a DUI charge contact us as soon as possible for initial consultation and we will get right to work on your case.


The information contained on this page is only intended to assist you in obtaining information about the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad & Associates, and does not constitute an offer of legal representation or agreement to represent.  The above information should not be considered legal advice.  Legal advice should only be obtained from a qualified attorney.

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