Chicago Immigration Lawyer – Azita M. Mojarad

How Does the New Public Charge Rule Impact Me?


In a previous article (Who Does the New Public Charge Rule Impact?) we advised that the new public charge rule will apply to you if: you were seeking to adjust, extend or change your status; were not in one of the exempt categories; and file your application on or after February 24, 2020.

How does this impact me?

You will need to complete and submit “Form I-944 – Declaration of Self-Sufficiency” to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) as a part of your application. The form involves information and documents about your health, family, education, household income, assets, debts, credit score and report, English and other language skills, and receipt of any public benefits. If you are found to be inadmissible as a Public Charge, you may be able to pay a bond and still adjust, change or extend your status.

If you have any questions about the “public charge policy” or any other immigration matter, contact our attorneys at the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. Our experienced immigration attorneys can advise you on what actions to take to avoid jeopardizing your ability to obtain the immigration benefits you seek.

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