Age-related Exceptions to English & History Requirements for Naturalization
In a previous article we discussed the requirements for becoming a U.S. citizen. Two requirements, namely passing the exams for “English language,” and “history and government,” can present great difficulty for many applicants.
The English language exam requires applicants to show that they can speak, read, and write English. The U.S. history and government exam (civics) requires applicants to study 100 questions, and correctly answer six out of ten questions asked. These two requirements are particularly challenging for the elderly and individuals with poor English language skills. In an effort to accommodate these persons, the following exceptions are allowed:
Exception for the History and Government (Civics) Exam:
The “65/20” Exception:
Green card holders who are 1) 65 or older, and 2) have lived in the U.S. for at least 20 years, may take an easier version of the exam. Qualified applicants may study only 20 questions instead of the 100 questions normally required. The applicant will be asked 10 of the 20 questions and to pass will need to answer six correctly.
Exception to the English Exam:
The “50/20” Exception:
Green card holders who are 1) 50 or older, and 2) have lived in the U.S. for at least 20 years, can avoid the English exam entirely. They may instead have the citizenship interview (including the civics exam) conducted in their native language through a foreign language interpreter.
“55/15” Exception:
Green card holders who are 1) 55 or older, and 2) have lived in the U.S. for at least 15 years, can avoid the English exam entirely. They may instead have the citizenship interview (including the civics exam) conducted in their native language through a foreign language interpreter.
Our experienced attorneys have helped many elderly and individuals with English language skills in completing their N-400 applications, preparing them for the naturalization test and interview, and accompanying them to their interviews. We have been extremely successful in obtaining approvals in this area. Let the experienced immigration attorneys at the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. assist and help you with your application process. For further information or to schedule a consultation contact us at (312) 641-0771.