New Form I-90 Receipt Notices Extend Green Card Validity Period By 24 Months
Previously, lawful permanent residents who properly filed Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card (Green Card) were issued a receipt notice by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that automatically extended the validity of their expired or expiring Green Card by twelve months after the expiration date listed on the card.
Effective September 26, 2022, USCIS is automatically extending the validity of Permanent Resident Cards to twenty four months. This change was in response to unprecedented backlogs that have resulted in much longer processing times, leaving many I-90 applicants without evidence of their Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status needed for renewing their driver’s license, employment and/or travel.
What if I filed my Form I-90 before September 26, 2022?
USCIS will mail you an amended receipt notice that extends your Green Card validity period for twenty-four months after the expiration date listed on the card. You may need to wait a few weeks to receive the amended receipt notice.
Why is this important?
The receipt notice, together with your expired Green Card, will serve as temporary evidence of your LPR status while you are waiting for your new Green Card to get issued.
What if I lost my Expired Green Card or my extension notice has expired and I need immediate proof of my status for employment or travel?
If you no longer have your Green Card or your extension notice has expired, you may schedule an appointment at a USCIS field office to obtain an ADIT (Alien Documentation Identification and Telecommunication) stamp. This is a temporary Green Card Stamp that is affixed to your passport to serve as temporary evidence of your LPR status while you wait for your amended receipt notice.
For additional questions on the new Form I-90 receipt notice or any other immigration matter, contact our attorneys at the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. Our experienced immigration attorneys can address your concerns and advise you of the proper course of action.