Client had filed for an Order of Protection against her husband and then escaped with her three young children to another state to avoid her husband’s physical abuse. Our attorneys were able to successfully obtain a judgment for divorce with full custody of her children without the husband’s presence in Court based on her inability to locate her husband. This was despite the fact that client had failed to appear for the Order of Protection hearing to testify against her husband.
Client was involved in a divorce case that was pending for almost two years. Client had two previous attorneys prior to retaining the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C., and was eager to move the matter to closure. After a few short weeks, our attorney were able to resolve the case and Client paid a settlement to his wife that was much less than the prior settlement proposals recommended by his two previous attorneys.
The Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. recovered outstanding child support from a father that had disappeared for years. Our attorneys located the father in another state and worked with local authorities to serve him with notice of contempt proceedings which caused him to appear and answer to the Court in Illinois. Due to our attorneys’ arguments and evidence presented at the hearing, the Court found the father in contempt, awarded back child support plus interest, increased child support payments, as well as awarded attorney’s fees and costs to our client.
Client hired the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. to defend him in a case where he was accused of violent behavior by his wife. Despite the fact that his wife testified against him and she had an eyewitness testifying on her behalf, our attorneys convinced the Court to vacate the Order of Protection by pointing out the inconsistencies in the wife’s testimony and the testimony of her eyewitness.