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Referred by a Previous Client

Your previous clients referred your law firm to me. Koby was great in handling our case. Please continue the professionalism with your clients.

My Family and I Couldn’t Be Happier

I received my green card! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for all of your help in this matter. My family and I couldn’t be happier that it is all over and we are not sure if this would have been possible without your help. For that, I cannot thank you enough.

Received Green Card In the Mail – Something to Be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

I just want to thank you for all of your help. I received my green card in the mail a few days ago – what a great ending to 2016! I am happy to say that I have something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

It is such a great relief to know that it ended well

Thank you so much for your advice, professionalism, and all the support you have given me during my immigration process. It is such a great relief to know that it ended well. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Very capable, very trustworthy

Very capable, listens to your problems and tries to solve them. Very trustworthy.

Thank you for showing the human side of the story

Hey, randomly came across your site while googling how to get around the new VWP restrictions on people who’ve traveled to Iran…and I came across your webpage and the article: Realities of the Syrian Refugee Debate. Thank you for showing the human side of the story, kudos for the message you’re putting out there. You must be great lawyers!

I have referred many friends

Azita Mojarad was the amazing immigration lawyer for my husband and myself when we first got married. She first helped us get through the process of obtaining a green card for him, and then his naturalization. Since then I have referred many friends to the firm for immigration services. I tell them that Ms. Mojarad is the best – I know because I fired my first immigration lawyer when I found Ms. Mojarad. I feel I can trust her completely.

Professional and honest services

I highly recommend this law office, very professional and honest services I have ever received. Thank you very much; keep up the great work Law Offices of Azita.

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