Chicago Immigration Lawyer – Azita M. Mojarad

What Is President Biden’s Immigration Policy and When Will It Happen?

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President Biden has proposed a sweeping immigration bill that would make more people eligible for legal status. The new immigration bill provides hope for many  immigrants, but they will not be able to apply for any of the proposed benefits until Congress passes this bill into law.  To date, Congress has not acted, so currently no new options have become available to apply for legal status.

When will the new immigration policy take effect?
Although there have been multiple announcements with promised changes, many of them will take time to be implemented. Policies, rules, and laws will need to be put in place first. This means you may not see an immediate impact or be able to apply for new benefits in the short term.

How can I get more information and updates on the new immigration bill?
We are closely monitoring the situation and will provide further updates as the situation develops.  If you have any questions about the new immigration bill, or any other immigration matter, contact our attorneys at the Law Offices of Azita M. Mojarad, P.C. Our experienced immigration attorneys can address your concerns and advise you of the proper course of action.

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